Save British Bees By Planting Seeds Campaign


At hilltop honey we work very hard trying to raise awareness of bees and of their importance, we work with the wildlife trust to support the bees as well as shouting from the hilltops incredible facts about these amazing little creatures!

British bees are in decline and have been for a number of years, in recent years these numbers are at record lows.

So at hilltop honey we have decided that we need to act to try and turn these figures around!

So What Are We Doing?

From the 12th of July we will be giving you a pack of seeds every time that you order off our website! We have also teamed up with Ocado from July the 12th – August the 8th giving you a pack of seeds with every jar that you buy & in Tesco throughout August & September you will find a pack of seeds attached to every jar and bottle so we can try and reach our target up helping you plant well over 1million flowers!

So keep an eye out for our seed packs 

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