Hilltop is a living wage employer

Hilltop is a living wage employer

If you’re a loyal Hilltop fan and you know a thing or two about how we do business, you’ll know that we’ve always strived to be a business for good and not for profit. It matters to us how we treat the bees that provide us with the super sweet honey you know and love- and it also matters how we treat the people who work for us too. So with this in mind, we are beyond thrilled to let you know that Hilltop Honey is a Living Wage Employer. Not sure what it all means? Allow us to explain…

The Living Wage

Here in the UK, the living wage is calculated based on the cost of living. It’s a rate voluntarily paid by over 7,000 businesses, to ensure that staff receive a wage that will meet the cost of their everyday needs. In other words, the living wage is the rate that people need to survive.

The Living Wage is voluntary, because the government has already set a minimum wage that workers can receive (and businesses don’t actually have to pay any more than that)… the problem is that, nationally, the minimum wage just isn’t enough and too many families find themselves more than a little short at the end of the month. This results in a lower quality of living and many families living in poverty, despite working as many hours as they can to bring home a wage. We believe this has to end and that more businesses should commit to paying the real living wage.

The real living wage takes into account independent calculations based on what people genuinely need to get by- and it’s actually more than the government’s set minimum wage. This means that by becoming a living wage employer, we’re voluntarily paying over the government recommended wage so that our staff are compensated fairly for the amazing work they do.

Why we’re proud to be a Living Wage employer

Without our staff, Hilltop Honey would not be the brand it is today. We owe so much to the people who work so hard for us, and we want to make sure they know it!

We‘re proud to be a Living Wage employer because we want to ensure that our staff receives a wage that they can live on. Because we want to ensure that our staff feel valued and respected. Because we want to continue building the best team we can… to bring you the best honey out there!

The staff that make Hilltop are truly at the heart of everything we do- and by paying them a fair wage for a day’s work, we can ensure that as a brand we can continue to serve our community, our customers and our staff well- not to mention the bees! 

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Bees Needs Week

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